Is Aisha/Pema a True teacher? How to contribute?

“A teacher shows up when the student is ready”, I was told. Around 9 years ago I was introduced to the teachings of Aisha/Pema Salem and I thought that this is it. I met her first on online satsangs and then I joined a retreat and had a profound experience, and since then I considered her my teacher and followed her guidance in spiritual matters. It was one of the worst decisions of my life, if not the worst.

How do I know who is an expert when I am not an expert – when I am just a beginner in learning and immersing myself perhaps for the first time in the subject of spirituality? Or if I have been around for a while but had a range of experiences I cannot fit together and am looking for someone that can help me understand it, how do I know who to adhere to?

In science there is a possible way: I can check which plane flies well and does not fall down from the sky, or which bridge holds well under a heavy load. Then I can search which scientists influenced the people that designed and built these. I can go further to see who are the applied chemists according to whom these were constructed. This way I can find out more or less who is a good scientist and who is not, and then learn from them about the subject I am interested in. 

In spirituality, there is a similar way and I heard this in a few sources as well. If I am to accept an authority, I should wait and hang around the teacher for 10 years before I do that. I should interview their students and watch what the students’ life progress is. See if these people are well integrated, if they are healthy, if they achieved their goals or have a good morality; and only if I am well satisfied, I should take on the authority of the spiritual teacher.

There is a problem however with this, it all depends on one’s sense of a good and flourishing life. Most people that join spiritual groups or subdue themselves to a spiritual teacher, do not follow this advice of 10 years waiting. They go all in or do not have a conception and are already swamped by the ideas of the community before they commit. And then, if the community redefines what counts as wealth and flourishing, it can make everything look good. 

This web page is an attempt to bring different accounts and views that are not available through the means sprung from Aisha/Pema Salem – the things she says to newcomers, the things she writes on her webpage or social media accounts, the students’ references she chooses to publish there or the students’ posts she chooses not to delete from the platforms she operates. One might have asked that already – if she had the awakening to Truth in her early twenties and since then she has been a teacher with students following her, where are they? With twenty years of teaching, where are the old students? If she is such a profound teacher, why is no old student referencing her or recommending her to others? Why are they all so silent? The answer she has been giving is that the planet is not ready for the high level of her consciousness. Perhaps, or, perhaps there are many students who left because they spotted how she lies and manipulates, how she abuses the weaknesses of people that trust her, perhaps they were abused themselves by her and do not want to have anything in common with her anymore. Perhaps there is a long line of people that had to go on to do therapy to heal from how she treated them. 

These stories deserve to be heard too, if one wants to take on Aisha/Pema Salem as authority on spiritual matters. This web page is a recollection of memories from Aisha/Pema’s long or short term former and even present ones, an uncensored version of the things we are grateful for, as well as the things that made us leave or question Aisha/Pema’s authority. If you are considering taking her on as a source of wisdom, this space will hopefully provide you with a plethora of different experiences if you do not have the time to hang around her and her students (that come and go) for the next 10 years.

If you would like to contribute, this is the way: 

  • If you would like to stay anonymous, please create an email account from which we cannot know your name. From there, send us your longer memoir or article, or a shorter version, a review of your experience of Aisha/Pema as your spiritual teacher/facilitator or anything else you find important to share with the wider public and her potential new students. The more of us speak up, the better we can protect other people. In advance, we thank you for your courage to come forward with your story.

Send your contribution to: aisha.pema.salem.revealed (at) gmail (dot) com

Also, please, contact us if you feel like helping us monetarily to run this web page. The cost is about 58 EUR per year for the hosting and we appreciate any sharing of the expenses.

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